Home > AFRICA, Elections, Great Britain, Kenya, Labour Party, POLITICS > Kenya – Trashing Democracy.

Kenya – Trashing Democracy.

So now the British government’s line on the curent crisis in Kenya is reconciliation, negotiation between the parties with a view to creating a coalition government – so what’s the point of holding an election. Deals like this being voiced by the democratic countries are going to make people in Kenya, yes and in Africa even more cynical about the values of democracy.

It is our duty to support democracy and promote it, not to do deals behind closed doors. One again the mandarins at the F&CO have made a very bad decision, we are selling out democracy for the sake of a deal at any price and accepting Kibaki’s coup.

So we are now in the business of dumping the NEPAD principles and dumping transparency and democracy

It is disgraceful that our prime minster should be seen to be validating Kibaki’s seizure of power. Kibaki has seized the presidency without the mandate of the electorate. There should be no attempt to give credence to Kibaki he has seized office illegally in a fraudalent counting of the votes. We now have enough evidence from 4 out of 5 Kenyan Electoral Commision Commisioners and the EU observers report, the counting of the votes was an exercise in fraud.

  1. January 3, 2008 at 19:34

    I honestly agree with you infact Raila summarized it very well that “Democracy has been strangulated and thrown into the dustbin in a span of 48 hours” i fear for the future especially for people like me who hope to attract tourists to Kenya

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